I must be mental.
My husband does not understand that my knitting is my meditation, my sancutary. I need to be able to knit in order to function in the everyday world of work, family, and what-have-you. When I'm stressed, I get hyper-critical of my work, and tend to start ripping. Luckily my Elenora stocking is in hiding, or it might be next.
SP7 is coming to an end, and I had hoped that I would be able to get another box out to my pal. I don't think she needs any more stitch markers, as I sent her about 10 that I had made. I even gave her a bit of my angora stash. I still may try and send her something even after SP7 "officially" ends Friday.
DS is going to spend a couple of days with my mom, so I need to get going. This ought to be interesting. He's never stayed with her, and she's not used to a 5 year old. I see a battle of the wills on the horizon.