k1,*yo, k2tog*

About me, myself, and I and the hobbies I have, including, but not limited to knitting. Oh, yeah, and my family too.

My Photo
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Native Hoosier who never escaped. Living with hubby and kid in a house packed with too many crafts. And this is a problem how?

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

It's always something

The words of Gilda Radner never rang truer. It is always something.
Whether it be sinus headaches, or cramps, hubby losing his job or son being a whiney brat, it's always something.

I'm quickly approaching my 40th birthday. Being dragged kicking and screaming is more like it. I don't feel 40. I don't look 40. Do I have to be 40?

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Every day is a new napping (and knitting) opportunity

Ah, the illusive nap. That blissful moment during the day when you can slip into a coma while the kids are asleep. I only get to do this on the odd weekend. DH and SIL went off to shop while I stayed home with the two boys (her's and mine). They napped, and so did I. Unfortunately, so did other bodyparts. The recliners we have make my arms fall asleep, so when I do wake up from a power-nap, the arms are a few minutes behind.

As for knitting, my current hangup are socks. I love to knit socks. Especially with some of the new yarns that are varigated, creating wonderful patterns all on their own. I'm on my third pair with this new type of yarn, but my 7th pair overall. Well, only 4 pair are complete, and one of those pairs is lost in Missouri with my ex-husband, but hey. I digress (often and without provocation).

I currently have about 4 different projects on needles right now, with a 6th one floating around my brain. Time to win the lottery so I have more time to knit.

Welcome to my blog

It's taken me quite a while to figure this think out, but I think I finally did it!. Thank you Katy, for giving me the inspiration!

Let me take a minute to tell you a bit about me, myself, and I. I'm a Midwest gal with a hubby and a son, who would rather knit than eat (much to the consternation of hubby). I knit, spin, sew, do some costume design, and do historic reenactment in many different time periods. My favorite is Medieval, but F&I and Civil War clothes fill my closet too.

Don't know how much I'll be able write but I'm going to try. Also going to try and post some pics of my stuff so people know what I do.

So, off we go!!!