k1,*yo, k2tog*

About me, myself, and I and the hobbies I have, including, but not limited to knitting. Oh, yeah, and my family too.

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Location: Indianapolis, Indiana, United States

Native Hoosier who never escaped. Living with hubby and kid in a house packed with too many crafts. And this is a problem how?

Sunday, January 15, 2006


That is what Sundays usually are around here, and today is no exception. I even sat down and watched part of the ass-whuppin' the Colts were getting against the Steelers.

I've had the stomach flu the better part of the week. Cons: I missed work. Pros: I lost 10 lbs. Not that I recommend this as a way to jump-start a diet, but hey, whatever works. I hope that I can keep this trend up. Both DH and I need to lose the equivalent of a small third world country. He's decided to join a group of people at work, mostly the entire IS department. Computer geeks tend to have weight issues. I'm just trying to keep myself busy, though I didn't knit for 2 days when I had the worst of the flu. It's kind of hard to knit when praying at the porcelain altar.

The diet will probably go out the window next weekend. It is the annual Adult Women's Only Weekend at my friend Kim's In-Laws lakehouse. I know what you're thinking: a lakehouse in January? But this is actually the best time. We've survived the holidays with our families and this is our treat. 48 hours of scrapbooks, stamping, knitting, beading, drinking, talking, and just being us. Did I mention drinking? And food. Kim is a wonderful cook, but her DH and DS are pretty picky eaters, so she doesn't get to cook much. I personally, am not much of a cook, so I am more than happy to indulge her in what she likes to do. We always joke about finding a big house that we could move both families into, then she could cook for appreciative people, and I'd handle the "Mom, I need a (insert craft here) for school!" requests that usually come at bedtime the night before. Ah, Utopia.

I'm trying to figure out what to send my pal for her first SP7 gift. And, I haven't actually heard from the one who has my name. If you're out there, give me a sign. Of course, that goes for anyone who is stalking my blog and not leaving notes. Like Franklin said, I blog for the comments.


Blogger PassioKnits said...

I, too, watched the butt-whooping that the Colts took on Sunday. However, I did knit through the whole thing, so that saved the day for me.

I'm in Zionsville, and just joined the Midwest Knitters Blog Ring. My blog is at http://passioknits.blogspot.com

Since I commented here, I expect the same Hoosier Hospitality from you on my site! ( :

Hope your prayers to the Porcelain god are over!


4:59 PM  
Blogger PassioKnits said...

You're no slacker. I'm just a highly addicted knitter. Yup, I'm just up the road, I'm sure. What part of the city do you live in? I, too, am a Sagitarius (I know that is not spelled right, but at this hour, nothing looks right), Dec. 6. When's yours?

10:55 PM  
Blogger PassioKnits said...

We should have a knit-together! I'm at 131st and Michigan Road!

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I am here, Secret Pal O'Mine! Expect to be spoiled very soon.

8:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, a weekend with the babes! I am so jealous. I always like my time away from the family. It's just a good time to regroup with alcohol and friends. Have a great time!

1:36 PM  

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